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JOURNEY TO THE HEART OF THE ABYSS: A Riveting Conclusion Sure to Sweep You Away

Racing is freedom; it’s escaping from everything confusing and painful, and hurtling toward some unidentifiable hope.

Usually, I’d be prone to singing the praises of excellent sequels with something along the lines of “soaring to new heights.” But in the case of Journey to the Heart of the Abyss, I feel it’s far more apt to say that London Shah dove to greater depths, racing towards a dramatic conclusion full of as much imagination as the first—and even more shocking revelations.

The cover for Journey to the Heart of the Abys, designed by Sasha Illingworth and illustrated by Shane Rebenschied

Publisher: Little, Brown Books for Young Readers |   Pages: 384   |   Release Date: November 16, 2021

The sequel to London Shah’s thrilling futuristic mystery The Light at the Bottom of the World, perfect for fans of Illuminae and These Broken Stars.

Leyla McQueen has finally reunited with her father after breaking him out of Broadmoor, the illegal government prison—but his freedom comes at a terrible cost. As Leyla celebrates his return, she must grapple with the pain of losing Ari. Now separated from the boy who has her heart and labeled the nation’s number one enemy, Leyla must risk illegal travel through unchartered waters in her quest for the truth behind her father’s arrest.

Across Britain, the fallout from Leyla’s actions has escalated tensions between Anthropoid and non-Anthropoid communities, bringing them to an all-time high. And, as Leyla and her friends fight to uncover the startling truths about their world, she discovers her own shocking past—and the horrifying secrets behind her father’s abduction and arrest. But as these long-buried truths finally begin to surface, so, too, do the authorities’ terrible future plans. And if the ever-pervasive fear prevents the people from taking a stand now, the abyss could stay in the dark forever.

You can find Journey to the Heart of the Abyss on Goodreads, Amazon, Indigo, Barnes & Noble, Indiebound, and Book Depository.

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Truly, the worldbuilding of the Light the Abyss duology is some of my favourite worldbuilding. Of any book, ever. I instantly fell in love only a few pages into The Light at the Bottom of the World. The underwater world is equal parts fascinating and terrifying. It’s intriguing and atmospheric and lures you in immediately—which I say even as someone whose heart drops out of my chest the moment I can no longer feel the floor beneath me when I go swimming somewhere.

Shah’s writing transports you so fully into this futuristic underwater world. Honestly? It’s impossible to not want to live there. And what I love so much about Journey to the Heart of the Abyss is how much more time readers are given to immerse themselves even further in the parts of the world that exist outside of the cities. The secrets that await Leyla in those waters are just as enticing, too.

This duology explores so many important themes, many of which are more timely now than ever before, and that adeptly weave their way through the book’s conversations surrounding history, identity, and politics.

I always loved the clear sense of nostalgia for the Old World—which, really, is our here and now. More importantly, though, I loved how that nostalgia was framed. There is comfort, but also room for caution. There is value in being critical of the past, of looking passed the sepia and rose-tinted ideals of “the good, old days.” Clinging too tightly to what was can be even more dangerous than the uncertainty of what could be.

They’re so busy dividing us all, while our world drowns. Maybe one day they might see sense.

Once again, Shah’s protagonist shines throughout. I love Leyla’s enduring optimism, and how fiercely she fights to do the right thing, to fight for the truth in a world so overwhelmingly shrouded in secrets (some darker than others).

Her growth in Journey to the Heart of the Abyss was incredible, and I loved how readers are given the opportunity to really see her come into own, in every sense. She has come such a long way, and it’s such a rewarding experience.

I have to be allowed to make mistakes, and I hope to learn from them. And I’ve already spent enough years being afraid.

An equally rewarding experience was seeing how all the story threads introduced in The Light at the Bottom of the World unravel and weave together. There are betrayals and secrecy at every turn to keep you guessing (some of which I got, and others that I absolutely predicted incorrectly!)

The book is, for the most part, brilliantly paced—especially towards the end when the truths readers will have been yearning for finally come to light. London Shah also offers such a satisfying delivery for those final revelations and reveals. Journey to the Heart of the Abyss is absolutely a study in how to effectively execute the villainous monologue.

I am not alone in this world.

There is something more. An all-encompassing truth.

A light at the heart of this abyss. I just need to let it in.

With more searingly poignant social commentary and as much imagination as ever, London Shah has crafted an exquisite ending to a fabulous duology. I am so, so eager to dive into whatever adventure she writes next.

My Rating: 4 Stars

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Disclaimer: I originally read an early draft from the author to provide developmental feedback on. I received an eARC from Hachette Book Group Canada courtesy of NetGalley. I am also on the author’s Street Team. None of these things affect my review, which reflects my honest opinions. Quotations have been taken from an advanced reader’s edition and are subject to change upon publication.

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